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adventures of c&k: thanksgiving road trip

December 15, 2012

I am back after taking an unplanned break.  Between preparations and rehearsals for the Big Show and the new job, I didn’t have much brain power left for blogging.  My apologies.  Here is a post I started shortly after Karl and I returned from our Thanksgiving trip and finally finished today:

Even though we had just seen my family a couple of months ago at Rita & Ted’s wedding and my parents last month (part of the original post written in November, thus referring to October), Karl and I decided that we would spend Thanksgiving with my family and Christmas with his.  We had more time to work with around Thanksgiving holiday, so traveling was less of a concern.

We arrived on Tuesday evening and spent the majority of the week at Grandpa’s, which was the location of the family’s Thanksgiving celebrations.  It was the most time I’ve been able to spend with Grandpa since moving out east, and all three of us were grateful for the extra quality time.  Grandpa loves having company.  The old man was in his finest form, telling story after story after story.  Karl and I didn’t mind at all, especially since Grandpa poured wine as freely as he shared his stories.  Besides Grandpa tells the best stories! (Now you know where I get it from.)

Family members started arriving on Wednesday, with the bulk of them coming on Thursday.  Every member of the Schwartz extended family was there, save one (Rosario wasn’t able to make it from California).  It was still a great celebration: we laughed and feasted for days!

After the celebrations died down, we headed home to Grand Rapids for the rest of our trip.  We kept a low profile, which was relatively easy since most of my friends were busy with their family events and celebrations.  We spent a couple of quiet days with my mom and siblings (Dad went up north hunting right after dessert on Thanksgiving).

It was a really good trip.  We were able to see family members that we hadn’t seen in a while, and we spent one whole entire day watching my favorite football teams win their rivalries.  Even I admit, that was a lot of football in one day, but watching both Ohio State and Notre Dame win was the yummy frosting on the cake of our visit home.

Before we started back to New Jersey, we had brunch with Mom, Angelica, and Jeffery.  Here are some amusing photos of our family time:

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