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testifying to truth

September 20, 2010

The dreaded day has arrived.  My sister, Rosario will take the stand today to testify against the woman who shot her last year.  After looking down a barrel aimed at taking her life, one would think facing a judge and jury would be easy, but it’s not.  It is still scary and emotional, even though she is simply telling the truth of what happened.

Rosario found out on Friday that the defendant is telling a very different story, making it seem like the shooting was partially Rosario’s fault.  And now Rosario’s testimony will be picked apart by the defense attorney who may try to trip her up on different details.  Rosario has spent the past fourteen and a half months praying for the young woman, who has spent that same time telling disparaging lies.  Needless to say, Rosario was devastated and hurt that the defendant is still shirking the responsibilities of her actions.

I spoke to a friend of ours later that afternoon, who reminded me that Friday was the Feast of the Stigmata of St. Francis.  “How fitting,” she said, “that Rosario is partaking in Christ’s sufferings on the same day St. Francis partook of Christ’s suffering!  She is not alone!”  Prayers of family and friends, along with the intercession of the saints, carried her through those dark hours.

Rosario will return to the courtroom today to testify about the events of June 29.  It may be my sister’s word against the defendant’s, but I am confident that God’s truth and beauty will be revealed through Rosario.

Please continue to pray for my sister today.  She not only seeks justice for her own sake, but also for the sake of the defendant that she may acknowledge the truth as well and find forgiveness, compassion and healing.

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  1. September 20, 2010 1:13 pm

    Wow yes, that has got to be tough. We will keep our energy strong and our prayers going for her. Peace and all good. I am asking St. Francis to be with her.

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