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winning a football game is as easy as what???!!!

September 24, 2010

I didn’t have time to put on my Notre Dame jersey when I was running out the door last Saturday on my way to my parents’ house to watch the ND vs. MSU game.  I threw it in my bag and arrived right as the game was starting.  Of course, I was so focused on the game I forgot about wearing my jersey until the second quarter.

It was not a pretty game to watch.  There were incomplete passes, penalties, fumbles and interceptions on both sides.  Of course, there were plenty of incredible runs, tackle evasions, fabulous blocks and great fakes, too.  Angelica and I groaned and cheered accordingly.  Toward the beginning of the third quarter, after a poor series of plays by the Notre Dame defense, Angelica decided I was to blame.

“It’s your fault they’re playing so bad,” she accused.

“How is it my fault?”

“It’s your jersey.”

“But I’m wearing my Notre Dame jersey!” I protested.

“It’s green.  The Irish aren’t wearing green today, but MSU is!  I think it’s confusing them.”

“Hm… you might be right…”  I’m not superstitious about things like that but sometimes it’s the only piece of hope a fan has to hold on to.  “So you think if I change back into my sweater they’ll play better?”

“I think you should try.  They played a lot better before you had your jersey on.”

“Good point,” I said absently as I turned my attention back to the game.  After another messy play I said, “That’s it! The jersey’s coming off!”  I had several layers underneath so I whipped off my green-and-gold #3 jersey and replaced it with my comfy white sweater.

Mom walked through a short time later.  “What happened to the other shirt you were wearing?”  I told her the story.  She shook her head and continued on her way.

The next time Mom walked through the room, Ang and I announced that Notre Dame had gotten a touchdown.

“At least they’re doing better now that you took your shirt off!” she exclaimed.

Ang and I nearly died laughing.  “You mean now that I changed my shirt!” I clarified.

“Oh, you girls!  You know what I meant!” she said as she walked on.

It continued to be a close game.  The lead was always within reach of either team.  Ang and I agonized and fretted over our boys.  After yet another disappointing play by the ND defense, I looked at Angelica and said, “I wonder what piece of clothing I have to take off to make the defense play better.”

“Ugh! I know, right?!” she said.  Her eyes gleamed for a moment at the thought of my power over the game.  At that point we were willing to hold onto the faintest glimmer of hope.  Well, I was.  Ang still had her wits about her, which was evident when she finally processed what I had said.  “Cil-yuh!  Don’t be scandalous!” she chided as she peered at me under a raised eyebrow and wagged her finger in typical Angie style.  The scolding didn’t last very long.  Try as she did, Angelica couldn’t ignore her amusement,  and we both had a good laugh.

What I wore (or didn’t wear) that night had no impact on the outcome of the game – our team lost in overtime despite my wardrobe changes.  As much as I’d like to think my allegiance to certain teams can influence plays, I know it doesn’t make the slightest bit of difference, but I still love cheering for my boys of fall and wearing their colors with pride!  Sigh… If only winning a football game were as easy as taking my shirt off!!!

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