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walking through the archives…

August 27, 2012

Today is the fourth anniversary of this blog.  I wrote my very first post on August 27, 2008: my new adventure.   And blogging has been quite the adventure, Reader.  I was so nervous when I first started creating my little corner of the blogosphere.  In that first post, I mentioned that this blog was a long time coming.  For years I used to send out emails to an extensive list of family and friends.  Many people encouraged me to blog but I liked being in control of my readership.  I liked being able to protect my thoughts, ideas, and amusing little stories.  When I finally found some courage and gave the blogging thing a try, I found that it was actually quite fun.  My original plan was to continue those monthly emails along with this blog, but that didn’t happen.  I slowly abandoned the email updates and instead focused more on decorating my new “home”.

I have a modest following of regular readers, some who have been with me since the beginning (Mom & Dad) and many others who have joined along the four year journey that has seen many highs and lows and several life changing events.  I am grateful for all my readers.

Were this a Star Trek mission, I’d only have one year left of my five year mission to boldly go where no one has gone before (a.k.a. the unknowns of the world wide web*), but fear not, dear reader.  I am not planning on leaving you hanging after five years.  I know you are all so incredibly invested in the Further Adventures of C & K, the continuing Angelica Unfiltered series, the always amusing Cec In The City stories, and the crazy Escapades of Cecilia Bedelia.  So here’s to another year and many more ahead!

Feel free to celebrate my blogiversary by perusing the archives.




*I realize many have gone before me in exploring the blogosphere, but for the sake of the reference, just go with it…


This post is dedicated to my biggest fan: Deacon Uncle Bill Oleck

January 24, 1922 – June 28, 2012

He never missed an opportunity to praise my writing and story-telling skills or to tell me how much he enjoyed reading me (listening to someone read my posts to him).  Now he has a front row seat to the live action of my life from heaven!  But I sure miss hearing his encouragement.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. August 27, 2012 2:04 pm

    Happy anniversary!


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